3 Decades Old Cold Cases That Were Solved in 2018
3 Decades Old Cold Cases That Were Solved in 2018 3. Michelle Martinko In December 1979 Michelle Martinko , who lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and she was a member of her school's choir. About two weeks before Christmas the choir records some Christmas songs for a local television show. The show was to air on the morning of December 20th, and then it would replay that evening. The night before the show aired the choir had a banquet at a hotel in Cedar Rapids. After the banquet Michelle called her parents and told them she was going to the West Dale mall to buy a new winter coat. The mall had just opened months earlier in October. At around 8 p.m. friends of Michelle saw her at the mall. But sadly, she never arrived home. At 2:00 a.m. her worried parents called the police and told them that she hadn't come home. Two hours later her car was found in the parking lot of the mall. Michelle's dead body was inside the car. She h...