[Large Caliber Sniper Rifle - VKS "Vykhlop"]
Large Caliber Sniper Rifle - VKS "Vykhlop" This is a silenced sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez" (a thred cutter). It fires special 9mm sniper cartridges. And it allows silent liquidation of targets protected by light bulletproof vests. Meanwhile the rifle shoots so quietly, that the enemy won't ever understand where the lethal lead came from. The VSS has only one disadvantage - short range of fire, not more than 400m. This one is the OSV-96. It's caliber is 12.7mm. Sniper can hit targets more than 1.5km away with this rifle. While at shorter distances its super-powerful round allows destruction of light armored vehicles. But its shot is extremely loud. The sound and barrel flash unmask the shooter. But what to do if a super-powerful cartridge, long range of fire and sound suppression need to be combinded, meanwhile removing all the disadvantages? Specialists of Tula Instrument Design Bureau are ready to offer a solution. Our film crew got an unique opportunity ...