
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มกราคม, 2016

How to Recognize the Causes of ADHD

The prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has increased substantially in the United States during the past 20 years. Doctors are still unsure of the reasons behind this increase, but if you know what to look for, you can still recognize the causes of ADHD in your life. 1. Start keeping a diary about your ADHD symptoms. Make short, daily entries about how your condition changes. One day you might feel fine but the next day you might not be able to focus. 2. Keep track of what you're eating in your diary. You don't need to note the exact meal you're eating, you only need to watch out for foods with artificial colorings, flavors, mineral salts and thickeners. On a more general level, you could just note foods that have preservatives or additives. 3. Examine your diary at the end of the week. Look for a pattern between heavily processed foods and ADHD symptoms. Studies suggest that nearly 50 percent of all ADHD patients are sensitive to processed food.

How to Recognize the Causes of ADD

Despite years of research, there are very few concrete facts as to what causes ADD to develop. It could be a result of anything from conditions during pregnancy to exposure to too much television. While most doctors today agree that brain chemistry and genetic disposition are important components to recognize, this is still not definitive. Knowing how to recognize potential causes, however, is one good way to prevent ADD from becoming a crippling problem. 1. Note that genetics appear to play a role in the development of ADD. Children who come from families with a history of mental disorder or alcoholism appear to have an increased risk of developing ADD. Also, recent studies show that roughly 25 percent of children of parents with ADD will also develop the disorder. 2. Recognize brain chemistry as another potential cause for Attention Deficit Disorder. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for many brain functions and is thought to play a role in the development and severity